Year 6 Autumn Term 1 Communication Letter 2017

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back to a new school year. I have been thrilled with how quickly the children have settled into their new roles as Year 6 pupils. I am looking forward to a really busy and exciting year with lots of opportunities for the children to learn and develop.

For our topic this term we are travelling back thousands of years and over 5000 miles to discover what life was like during the Maya Civilisation. Attached is a Topic Web outlining some of the areas of learning that we will be covering in class this half term.


Spelling- Children will continue to be given a list of spellings each week; these words are taken from the year 5/6 curriculum. These words will be sent home each Monday, enabling you to practise these words with your child. Spellings will be assessed both in isolation and in dictated sentences each Friday. Spelling scores will be recorded in homework planners for your information.
            Additionally, children should be learning and practicing the half-termly spellings which are included in this pack. These will be tested at the beginning and end of each half-term and scores will be sent home.
Maths- This term, to help promote the familiarity and fluency of mathematical facts children will take home 10 number and/or calculation questions (including the answers), in a similar style to the current spelling homework, to be learnt by heart. These will be sent home each Friday and weekly tests will take place on the following Tuesday.

Reading- The benefit gained from reading at home each evening is great. Please continue to encourage your child to read at home and discuss books with you. Children should make a record of what they are reading, which pages and give a summary of that section in their homework planner.

Planners – These are a great way for children to take responsibility for organising themselves by recording key dates and information. They also act as a method of communication between home and school. Please ask your child to make me aware if you have written a message so I can respond promptly. Your child’s planner will be checked at least 3 times per week to keep track of their daily reading.

P.E. – Children will continue to have two P.E. sessions a week; Wednesday and Thursday. They will have an indoor session (fitness) and an outdoor session (football). Occasionally, our timetable may change so please ensure your child has their P.E. kit in school each day. It would be useful for children to have both outdoor trainers and plimsolls (clean trainers) as part of their kit. As the weather begins to get colder it may be beneficial for children to bring with them navy/black tracksuit bottoms and a black/red jumper. School P.E. kits should be worn for all sports clubs.

Mrs Seagers will teach the class on Thursday mornings as well as providing support both in the class and in the way of intervention groups, along with Mrs Kelsall.
There will of course be a chance for parent/ teacher meetings later in the term to discuss your child’s progress, but if there are any matters arising prior to this please feel free to arrange a time to meet with me.
Your children have all made a really positive start to the year and I fully anticipate a happy and busy year ahead.

I look forward to working closely with you.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Helen Davey 
